Monday, December 3, 2012

"With the Green Party’s intervention, it’s a good bet he’ll been looking at his second decade as PM soon."

By Keith Edmund White, Editor-in-Chief

Yes, Canada's Left is under-cutting itself.  But personality-politics should settle this question before Canada's next round of parliamentary election.  So, stop complaining about the Liberal-NDP divide, let alone the Greens delivering Harper another term as Prime Minister. Though, as The Real Story blog shows, is can make for entertaining reading.

The Real Story, a Canadian political blog, mocks a defense of having three centre-left political parties on Canada's national political scene.  With the NDP-Liberals-Greens all competing for seats in Canada's ridings, a divided Left is going to deliver Canada another two terms of Conservative Prime Minister Harper:
Because for all the Green Party’s disclaimers about vote splitting [(1) you owe it to your supporters to run & (2) non-voters will only come out if you show political alternatives] one truth remains.

The truth – and Calgary Centre proves it – is that three parties on the centre left is useful to only one person in Canada. And that’s Stephen Harper. With the Green Party’s intervention, it’s a good bet he’ll been looking at his second decade as PM soon.
TRS isn't alone in this assessment, though it's logic-evisceration of Chris Turner's, the Green's candidate in Calgary by-election last week--op-ed claiming he didn't throw the election to the Conservatives is particularly delicious. 

But, first, it's entirely too early for all this belly-aching.  There are years before the next election..

Second, when you look at recent national polling, Canada' voters--not politicians--need to settle the Left divide.  The Liberals and Greens are painstacking close in popular support, and as long as that holds up, how do you expect an insurgent political party to tell members to lose prestige in the main of winning an election they could still win on their own?  

And, in any case, the Greens won't make the difference nationally.

My advice:  Green and Liberals, show your policy and leadership differences and take a look at the polling in two years.

Last thought:  Personality-politics will settle this.  Thomas Mulcair's tenure as Leader of the Opposition should settle which party is the leader of the Left soon enough, one or the other.

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